Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hytera Wins Final Appeal Against Motorola Solutions at UK Supreme Court

SHENZHEN, China-Friday 25 February 2022 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- On February 23, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom dismissed an application by Motorola Solutions Inc. (“Motorola”) for permission to appeal against a decision of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales from January 11, 2021. The Supreme Court’s decision, which found that Motorola’s application “does not raise a point which ought to be considered”, represents a final and conclusive victory for Hytera in the English proceedings.

The Court of Appeal had previously dismissed a freezing order made by the High Court of England and Wales in April 2020 against Hytera and its English subsidiary in support of proceedings between Hytera and Motorola in the United States. The appellate court also refused Motorola permission to appeal to the Supreme Court and ordered Motorola to pay Hytera’s costs of the English proceedings. In its own decision, the Supreme Court has now also ordered Motorola to pay Hytera’s costs of its most recent unsuccessful appeal attempt.

Proudly supporting industry professionals, including healthcare workers during the pandemic, in the UK and around the world with reliable Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) communications technologies, Hytera will keep the tradition of excellence in supporting partners and serving customers in the global market.

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Lingran Tao


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