Thursday, March 31, 2022


  MUNICH-Thursday 31 March 2022 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Independence from fossil fuels is key for climate protection – and is of
relevance for security policy in light of Russia’s war in Ukraine. Europe must make enormous strides towards renewable energies in order to achieve climate targets and ensure security of supply. At The smarter E Europe – Europe's largest platform for the energy industry – 1,450 exhibitors will present innovative products and solutions to 50,000 trade visitors over an exhibition area of 132,000 m2 from May 11 to 13 in Munich.

Rising electricity and gas prices and dependence on Russian gas are giving the energy transition a tailwind. The transition is urgently needed, and possible: photovoltaics (PV) have been successful for two decades, the energy storage industry has been gaining traction for ten years, and electromobility and charging infrastructure are booming. The solutions for an independent energy supply are ready - now it is time to deploy them sustainably. Renewable energy, decentralization, digitalization, sector coupling, smart and networked energy systems as well as smart charging systems and e-mobility are the focus of The smarter E Europe 2022. Another key topic is green hydrogen. At the exhibition, the “Green Hydrogen Forum & Expo” will provide important impetus for bringing hydrogen, fuel cells, electrolysis and power-to-gas technology to the markets at an accelerated pace.

Focus on energy and mobility transition

The smarter E Europe includes four energy exhibitions: Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe and EM-Power Europe. At Intersolar Europe, companies will present cell concepts and modules as well as inverters and solutions for building-integrated PV, agri-PV (simultaneous land use for agriculture and electricity production using PV systems) and floating PV systems. However, solar power alone does not make an energy transition; rather, what is needed is integrated solutions for a full supply of renewable energy 24/7 and across all seasons. The focus of ees Europe 2022 will therefore be on storage technologies, and in particular battery storage and green hydrogen.

Renewable energy and interconnected energy systems are closely linked to the goal of climate neutrality and the need to reassess security of supply. EM-Power Europe will therefore present smart grid solutions, smart buildings and neighborhoods, and digital business models for municipal utilities and energy providers. Power2Drive Europe will demonstrate the interconnectedness of new energies and mobility and explore everything related to the mobility of the future. This includes in particular intelligent charging solutions, vehicle-to-grid technologies, solar charging infrastructure and e-vehicles.

On May 10 – the day before the exhibition opens – visitors to the accompanying specialist conferences will discover all facets of the new energy world. In the evening, the industry innovation drivers will be honored with the Intersolar AWARD, the ees AWARD and The smarter E AWARD. Exhibition forums and workshops will bring visitors together with key industry representatives.

The smarter E Europe, which encompasses the four individual exhibitions will take place from May 11–13, 2022, at Messe München.

The original source-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.

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Press contact:

fischerAppelt, relations | Otl-Aicher-Str. 64 | 80807 Munich

Felizia Rein| Tel. +49 89 74 74 66 40


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