Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Medi-Globe Group opens the MGG Campus - a new training and virtual test laboratory

 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Medi-Globe Group has opened its own training and virtual test laboratory at its headquarters in Achenmühle, Germany. The Medi-Globe Group Campus (MGG Campus) has state-of-the-art equipment with which the company is further expanding its role as an innovative leader in medical technology.

In the future, innovative product ideas for the global customers of the Medi-Globe Group will be tested and optimized with the help of IT-controlled laboratory technology. Another important area in the new campus is the virtual product training for clinicians who will get their own online access to the Campus and can, therefore, get trained digitally. The new facility is also used for external and internal webinars and training courses.

Medi-Globe Group CEO Martin Lehner: “The MGG Campus stands for the strategic importance that the Medi-Globe Group attaches to innovation management and the training of customers and employees. The campus is a kind of 'real-life laboratory' at the interface between our development department and clinicians in urology, gastroenterology and pneumology worldwide."

Among the first MGG Campus guests was the leading gastroenterologist Prof. Dr. Ahmed Madisch, Centrum Gastroenterologie Bethanien, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, who is enthusiastic about the new MGG Campus: "More than ever, today’s surgery and endoscopy are about techniques that protect the patient as much as possible during the procedure - i.e. away from major operations towards minimally-invasive medicine. We can only further develop these patient-friendly procedures in close cooperation with leading medical technology manufacturers such as the Medi-Globe Group. This is where the MGG Campus makes an important and very valuable contribution.”

About Medi-Globe Group

The Medi-Globe Group is an innovative, fast-growing and internationally oriented medical technology group in the fields of urology, gastroenterology and pneumology. The headquarter is in Achenmühle in Bavaria, around 70 kilometers south of Munich. Around 670 employees work for the Medi-Globe Group in Germany, France, the Czech Republic, China, Brazil and Austria. Customers include university clinics, specialist clinics, special medical facilities and specialists in gastroenterology, urology and pneumology in around 120 countries worldwide. The managing directors are Martin Lehner (CEO), Christian Klein (COO), Dr. Nikolaus König (CFO) and Marc Jablonowski (CTIO). The company emerged from the Medi-Globe Corporation founded in the USA in 1990. Since then, the company has grown globally.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:


Medi-Globe Group

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Stefanie Braun

+49 171 2 888 214


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