Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Combining Premium Look, Large Storage Capacity and Enhanced Cooling Performance, the Top Freezer Refrigerators Deliver Extended Freshness and Outstanding Convenience

Dubai, United Arab Emirates-Monday 30 May 2022 [ AETOS Wire ]

This month, LG Electronics (LG) is unveiling the new Top Freezer lineup of refrigerators that feature upgraded performance and design innovations for the perfect kitchen life. Understanding today’s people’s need for both cooling efficiency and user convenience, LG equipped all models with advanced cooling technologies and improved their design. The Top Freezer lineup is already available in the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain.

Enhanced Performance

Designed to deliver powerful performance, the Top Freezer refrigerators combine several LG’s proven cooling technologies to create optimal conditions for fresher food and colder drinks. Added to all models of the new lineup, DoorCooling™ provides powerful airflow on every shelf and door from a strategically placed vent, cooling food faster and more evenly and keeping drinks chilled in the door area. Simultaneously, LinearCooling™ reduces temperature fluctuations, the main cause of food spoilage, extending its freshness for up to 7 days. What is more, the Hygiene Fresh™ air purification system helps to eliminate harmful bacteria commonly found inside refrigerators.

Unmatched Convenience

Allowing people to manage their refrigerator with minimal effort and solve any issues easily, the Top Freezer refrigerators are built with Smart Diagnosis™ system. It allows call center representatives to quickly diagnose most problems without having to make a house visit. Providing users with more space, the refrigerators have a storage capacity of 300 to 400 liters and a moving ice maker that can easily be removed to free up space in the freezer when needed. What is more, the Top Freezer line-up is equipped with the energy-efficient Smart Inverter Compressor™ which helps to reduce energy consumption by regulating cooling power based on the amount of stored food and the inside and outside temperature of the refrigerator.

Seamless design

Along with other innovative features, the Top Freezer stands out with design innovations that give the refrigerators a premium look. The flat door design combined with the pocket handle gives the refrigerators a seamless, built-in appearance, making them suitable for any interior. The line-up includes models in outstanding colors of platinum silver and dark graphite steel.

Local Availability

The Top Freezer lineup with 5 different models is available in the UAE, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain in LG showrooms, authorized retailers and hyper markets.

To learn more about LG’s Top Freezer models, please visit:


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About LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company  

The LG Home Appliance & Air Solution Company is a global leader in home appliances, smart home solutions, air solutions as well as visionary products featuring LG ThinQ AI. The company is creating various solutions with its industry leading core technologies and is committed to making life better and healthier for consumers by developing thoughtfully designed kitchen appliances, living appliances, HVAC and air purification solutions. Together, these products deliver enhanced convenience, superb performance, efficient operation and compelling health benefits. For more news on LG, visit www.LGnewsroom.com. 



Nora Nassar

Email: Nora.Nassar@lg-one.com  


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