Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Hytera Honored with International Critical Communications Awards at CCW 2022

 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Hytera is proud to announce that its Hytera HyTalk MC Solution for Sri Lanka Railway (SLR) won the Best Use of Critical Communications in Transport at the 2022 International Critical Communications Awards (ICCA) held on June 21st in Vienna, Austria, the most prestigious awards in critical communications.

Hytera’s integrated HyTalk MC Solution enables train drivers, dispatching controllers and station masters at SLR to easily communicate with each other, thereby ensuring the smooth running of daily operations on trains, in stations, depot areas and control centers. SLR can interconnect its sites and provide railway personnel with real-time access to critical data, allowing them to better serve passengers and ensure smooth and safe operations for train drivers, to further guarantee the punctuality of trains and reduce railway accidents.

“Hytera considers the contribution it has made as an inspiration and an encouragement for the PMR industry," said Jim Luo, Hytera Chief Marketing Officer. “We have also won the Best Use of Critical Communications in Utilities at ICCA 2021. All the awards we achieved represent the recognition of Hytera’s convergence communication solutions for various industries. Hytera adheres to technology innovation and remains strongly committed to providing high quality products and services to both business-critical and mission-critical users throughout the world.”

For more information about Hytera transport solution, please visit: https://www.hytera.com/en/industries/transportation.html

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220624005284/en/




Lingran Tao


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