Sunday, November 3, 2013

MoI showcases its Customer-Centric Techniques at the Society Awareness exhibition

ME NewsWire

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Monday, October 28th 2013

The Ministry of Interior participates in the National Show for Society Awareness and Humanitarian Services TAWEYA 2013 that was launched on Monday and will run until October 30th at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Center (ADNEC).

Colonel Hussein Mahmoud Al Awadhi, Head of the Public Relations Department at the Ministry of Interior, Chairman of the MoI’s pavilion organizing committee asserted that the participation stems out of the higher leadership’s dedicated commitment to societal partnership. “In line with this participation, the ministry aims to boost the community partnership concept and acquaint the public with its different advanced services that aim to enhance security and stability in the country, in addition to the Community Police concept,” he said.

Al Awadhi indicated that staff members in charge of the pavilion are acquainting visitors of all ages and society segments with the awareness programs pertaining to road safety. Such programs cover the risks of violating traffic rules and legal speeds and the ensuing serious accidents; the risks of drug abuse on individuals, families and society; and ways to prevent house fires; in addition to the methods applied to solve societal issues in a civilized manner. The pavilion also showcases the latest advanced technologies and electronic services that the ministry is offering, to streamline access to its services to all society segments, in line with the approach to transform to an era of smart government.

Al Awadhi also pointed out to the distinguished participation of the Ministry of Interior’s village in the show, as the first security and societal village of its kind worldwide.  The village sheds light on the various activities and programs implemented on the countrywide level, with a turnout of approximately 500 thousand visitors.

For his part, Captain Mohammed Obeid Al Obaidly, vice chairman of the organizing committee in charge of the MoI’s pavilion indicated that a total of 18 entity and department from the ministry are taking part in TAWEYA 2013. He emphasized that the show includes a series of lectures and awareness programs specially designed for school students, as well as a number of diverse contests. Additionally, symbolic gifts and awareness publications are being distributed for the pavilion’s visitors.

Concluding, Al Obaidly noted that as part of the show’s program, specialized crews will organize awareness-raising lectures to acquaint visitors with the risks associated with earthquakes and means to handle such cases through a work mechanism dedicated for that end.

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Photo Caption:

Photo1: Side of the attendance visiting the MoI’s pavilion

The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317



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