Monday, November 25, 2013

MoI Attained Successive Achievements in Child Protection

According to a report released on the Universal Children’s day

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Tuesday, November 19th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

The Ministry of Interior, represented by the Higher Committee for Child Protection and the Child Protection Center, will observe the Universal Children's Day, celebrated worldwide on November 20th.

To mark the occasion, Major General Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection indicated that the ministry has implemented several initiatives and projects to boost child protection from all potential dangers. He lauded the directives of Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and his commitment to see the UAE becoming a hub for excellence in the region and elevate its status as a role model in the region in all areas of Child Protection, through effective legislations and precautionary measures that promote security and safety in society.

He highlighted the significant measures undertaken by the Ministry of Interior to enhance child protection, notably the decision to set up a Child Protection Center. “The center aims to protect children against all potential risks or phenomena that encourage child exploitation, with a view to find the proper solutions and initiatives to protect them. It also seeks to keep track of any potential cyber or work exploitation crimes against children, and attempts by sex offenders to lure children and teenagers. The center also endeavors to monitor any wrongful behaviors or violations at cyber cafes or through public networks by documenting the identity of users and tracking their browsing history; as well as spreading awareness among families and individuals on the optimal use of the internet,” Al Nuaimi stated.

The Higher Committee for Child Protection has also endeavored to enhance familial supervision on children, to acquaint them with the potential risks they may encounter on the internet. For this end, it has launched and implemented a number of media campaigns academic and training programs to raise awareness of the risks of cyber crimes, particularly those related to child online sexual abuse, in collaboration with competent agencies.

"According to the decision, the center will also closely track any suspected financial dealings online, related to child work exploitation, to identify people involved in such crimes. “An integrated database about these crimes will be set up accordingly,” Al Nuami continued.

Coinciding with the globally-celebrated Universal Children Day, the Ministry of Interior released a report highlighting its efforts in all areas of child protection.

In April 2010, the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior announced that a Higher Committee will be formed at the Ministry of Interior “to upgrade the level of child awareness and protect children against potential risks resulting from the use of the internet, to maintain their rights in general and to face any challenges that may have effect on them.” The Higher Committee will comprise a number of sub-committees, working together to make the UAE a distinguished center for child protection through a number of means, notably awareness, legislations and other controls. Harsh punishments will be imposed on sexual exploitation of children, possession and distribution of child pornography material. A list containing the names of child sex offenders will be kept and proper legislations shall be enacted in the UAE to process them, as part of a special child protection center established for this purpose at the MoI.

“Following the decision issued in 2010, to establish the Higher Committee for Child Protection and to enroll the UAE in the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), the international alliance of law enforcement agencies working to prevent online child abuse, the Ministry of Interior reiterated its commitment to ensure children’s safety in the UAE and worldwide: “This engagement in the world campaign against child abuse will contribute to commitment to protection of children’s rights.”

Secretary-General Al Nuaimi added: "The UAE is determined to become a hub of excellence in child protection and to raise awareness against risks of new technologies they may face through several means, including the internet."

He emphasized the MoI’s keenness to deliver the state-of-the-art services to community members, in pursuance of its vision to promote police and community-based work. “This police-community partnership will be instrumental to ensure adoption of international-best practices and to enhance the UAE efforts to enact the appropriate legislations and systems related to the protection of children and family, as they are the cornerstone of the country and its future,” added Al Nuaimi.

In May 2010, Lt. General HH the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior called for developing the strategic partnership between the UAE, represented by the Ministry of Interior and the international alliance, Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) in areas of common interest. The UAE became the first Arab country in the region to partner with VGT, to achieve its objectives of making the Internet a safer place for children at risk of abuse, and bring offenders to justice.

Major General Al Nuaimi lauded the agreement, stressing the keenness of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior to develop the strategic partnership with VGT in various fields to protect children from all sorts of exploitation, and promote safe internet use.

“The UAE, represented by the Ministry of Interior, has set forth a number of procedures to be undertaken, with a view to achieve efficient cooperation with VGT,” stated the Secretary-General.

The ministerial decision issued back in May 2010 by HH Lt. General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior gave legal standing to the Permanent Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior. The committee was chaired by Major General Nasser La Khreibani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of HH's Office, as the UAE Representative in the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), authorized to sign memos to promote partnerships with public and private entities inside and outside the UAE in child protection-related issues.

According to the decision, the committee comprised representatives of all concerned bodies in the MoI along with 14 members representing public strategic partners, notably the Ministry of Justice, the Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA).

In June 2010, Chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior issued an administrative decision to form five subcommittees affiliated to the committee.

Each subcommittee will work in its capacity to achieve the objectives of the Permanent Higher Committee for Child Protection. This includes exploring the possibility of establishing a child protection center with the mandate to protect children against various forms of abuse. The subcommittees shall also develop the appropriate solutions and initiatives to ensure the safety of these children in close collaboration with public and private organizations, charitable foundations, and international law enforcement agencies to review best practices and other relevant work mechanisms. 

Major General Al Nuaimi has instructed the subcommittees to immediately proceed with their designated tasks. He stressed the keenness and diligent attention of His Highness, to support all initiatives that achieve the higher leadership’s objectives, to ensure security and safety of the community. He also reiterated His Highness’s directives to ensure that the UAE becomes a hub of excellence for child protection.

In June 2011, Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, issued a decision to establish an organizational unit to be called “The Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center”.

Chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior indicated that the UAE has made great strides in the areas of child protection, pointing out to the procedures followed by the Higher Committee for child protection at the Ministry of Interior since its inception, through cooperation and partnerships with the various institutions in the State. He also highlighted the constant efforts to review and further develop legislation and laws, to ensure their conformity with the highest international standards.

He said back then: “According to His Highness’s decision, the new center will prepare policies and develop strategic plans for child protection; supervise and follow-up of investigations into offences against children; and monitor the implementation and development of laws and regulations related to offences against children, in collaboration with the competent and specialized authorities.”

In July 2011, the Subcommittee for Awareness, Media and Research, affiliated to the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior held a meeting at the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.

The meeting reviewed a number of issues related to the subcommittee’s activities and its role in stepping up child protection efforts; as well as the proposed media and awareness campaigns for the next stage. At that time, Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed Al Qassimi, Chairperson of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs and wife of His Highness, the Ruler of Sharjah, commended the Ministry of Interior's ongoing efforts to enhance the security and safety of all community members.

Her Highness lauded the MoI’s Higher Committee for Child Protection’s proposed recommendation regarding the mandatory installation of child seats that meet safety requirements for children below six years on the back seats to ensure children’s safety.

She also appreciated the Higher Committee for Child Protection’s initiatives and its comprehensive project to protect children; praising the existing partnership between the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah and the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior.

In October 2011, the United Arab Emirates, represented by the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior, took part in the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) 2nd meeting in Lyon, France at the INTERPOL headquarters (One of the largest online child protection taskforces in the world).

The two-day meeting explored new techniques to protect children from online sexual abuse. Experts from all nine international VGT law enforcement agencies attended the meeting, which followed a three-day gathering of the INTERPOL Specialists Group on Crimes against Children, which brought together experts from 52 countries.

Also in October 2011, Major General Al Nuaimi inaugurated a workshop on “Legislation and Child protection” at the Forensic Evidence Department’s hall at Abu Dhabi Police. The workshop was organized by the   Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center, in collaboration with the “Protection Project” at the Johns Hopkins University, and the International Center of Missing and Exploited Children.

The ministry also took part in the exhibition organized in conjunction with the national campaign to raise awareness of children's rights, at the premises of the General Women's Union in Abu Dhabi.

The work paper submitted by the Higher Committee for Child Protection, titled “Initiatives & Achievements” at the first session of the national campaign to raise awareness of children's rights tackled the Ministry of Interior’s efforts in child protection. The paper referred to the ministerial decree regarding the establishment of the Higher Committee for Child Protection, which comprises members from various ministries and government agencies. The committee aims to achieve an integrated child protection approach, which involves ensuring child safety at home, on the road, at school, while using the internet and modern technologies.

In November 2011, the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior took part in the preparation of the Virtual Global Taskforce resolution with respect to strengthening laws to combat online child sexual exploitation received by Interpol Member States. The resolution called upon countries wishing to enhance their online child protection laws to seize the opportunity, following the acceptance of a legislative global engagement strategy presented at the INTERPOL General Assembly last week.

The 80th General Assembly was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, and was attended by more than 600 delegates from 142 member countries.

The Virtual Global Taskforce-supported resolution to provide a “best practice” model for countries that currently do not have sufficient online child protection legislation was overwhelmingly endorsed by the senior law enforcement officials at the four-day conference.

The Ministry of Interior also organized a joint exercise to take a tough stand against people involved in circulation of child pornography files through peer-to-peer networks (P2P). The exercise coincided with the 41st UAE National Day celebrations, marking another achievement in the field of child protection, to monitor child offenders and hold them appropriately to account.

Major General Al Nuaimi said: “The shocking revelation of child pornography circulation via P2P networks prompts the ministry to adopt a zero tolerance against those involved.”

The Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior, represented by the MoI’s Child Protection Center, announced in November 2011 that it is launching a drive to review the public safety features in buildings to ensure they meet requirements in accordance with international-best practices. This measure aims to prevent children from falling from windows, balconies and terraces of buildings and apartments. The committee would co-ordinate with the competent authorities at the MoI in the first stage and with bodies that are concerned with security and safety specifications in later stages.

“An alarming number of recent domestic accidents involving children has recently come to light,” stated the Secretary-General of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior. “This is due to parents leaving children alone at home without supervision, or as a result of poor awareness and lack of safety specifications for windows and balconies,” he added.

On July 2012, Major General Al Nuaimi, inaugurated a national workshop on child protection organized by the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior in Abu Dhabi. The workshop brought together officials from all the police general headquarters in the UAE. “Children's issues are a top priority within the strategy of the Ministry of Interior, which supports local and international efforts to ensure their protection against all forms of abuse,” he said.

In November 2012, Major General Nasser Lakhraibani Naimi, announced that the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center has made concluded a draft child protection procedures system in the UAE. The project aims to provide a comprehensive database of all issues related to children, set up a list of sex offenders, and establish a monitoring system to track individuals who pose a risk to children.

Al Nuaimi noted that the child protection procedures system project is expected to be fully implemented by 2021. It will coincide with the UAE’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, and is in line with the UAE’s vision to be one of the safest countries in the world in areas related to child protection.

“Children make up more than 50 % of the total population. This requires that we provide them with the highest levels of protection and security, and means to usefully spend their leisure time, by boosting the state's efforts to establish safe recreational locations for children, such as parks. He also called upon parents to raise their children according to righteous values, and teach them to shoulder responsibility at a very young age.

The Ministry of Interior’s Higher Committee for Child Protection also lauded the cooperation between the various ministries and competent authorities on the new Federal Law that was approved by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The new Law, named the “Wudeema Law” on Child Rights, aims to secure a safe and stable future for children, regardless of their nationality, religion or origin. It also complements a number of relevant laws on child protection, such as the anti-human trafficking Law, and the Law to protect children with unknown parentage, issued earlier this year.

In his address marking the United Nations Universal Children’s Day, Major General Al Nuaimi commended the efforts of the “Mother of the Nation” Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak, President of the General Women’s Union, Supreme President of the Family Development Foundation, and President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood. He highlighted Her Highness’s support, guidance and financial contributions to promote children's rights and families’ well-being; as well as to improve services provided to children.

In December 2012, Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior inaugurated the Fifth Biennial International Conference for the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT). The conference, held at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi was titled: "International Cooperation: A Tool to Enable Prevention".

In his address, marking the inauguration of the Conference, HH the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior conveyed to the participants, the greetings of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Head of the State and H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai.

He stressed that the UAE, since its inception by late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al-Nahyan and his brethrens, founders of the Union, has dedicated a great attention to childhood. For this end, all efforts were exerted to support this important segment, which represents a vital component of society. Thus, promoting education; women empowerment policies; enhancing public safety, health and education, were a significant part of this support dedicated to children, being the pillars of the future and the hope of this nation.

Major General Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi also emphasized that the MoI has collaborated with all ministries and authorities involved in child protection, on the both local and federal levels, to achieve the goals and aspirations of the Higher Leadership represented by the Higher Committee for Child Protection. This includes full commitment to maintain child safety in the UAE through a multi-levels perspective and basic topics that focus mainly on legislation and the internet; monitoring and follow-up of individuals that pose a risk to children, and enhancing community awareness of the various areas of child protection.

The VGT Board of Management met at the Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Hotel in Abu Dhabi and examined efforts pertaining to enhance international child protection, notably the dangers of the internet. They also explored future improvement and planning opportunities, existing projects, and relevant initiatives. The meeting tackled the need to leverage expertise and share knowledge and best practices among member countries.

The Secretary-General of the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior, and the UAE Representative in the VGT Board of Management, praised the importance of hosting the VGT Conference. He welcomed members countries’ representatives and wished them a pleasant stay in the UAE, their second home, and conveyed to them the greetings of HH the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior. He wished success for the conference, considered as a hub for advanced procedures pertaining to enhance safety and security of our societies.

Chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior stressed in his inaugural speech the Higher Leadership’s keenness to step up international cooperation to achieve the VGT’s goal to make the internet a safer place for children prone to exploitation. He reiterated the conference’s importance in positively boosting common collaboration to adopt international-best practices in the UAE. This is achieved through the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center that jointly work to achieve the international alliance’s goals to deliver the appropriate child protection activities and programs.

On 26 January 2013, the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior represented by the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center for announced its support and participation in the societal program carried out by a number of institutions at the countrywide level. The said program offers parents and child-care providers the opportunity to acquire skills and expertise to enhance chances of survival of children from injuries caused by fires, road accidents, falling from balconies, drowning, poisoning and other dangers.

On August 2013, the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior called upon community members, motorists in particular, to reinforce children’s safety and protection against potential risks they may encounter in private vehicles.

Al Nuaimi valued the noble humanitarian principles reflected in the executive regulations of the Anti-Tobacco Law, which were approved by H.H Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai. The said Law is scheduled to come into effect as of January 14, 2014; it will ban smoking in private vehicles, if a child younger than 12 years old is present in the car.

Also in August, the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior organized the first meeting for liaison officers for child protection at the police general headquarters’ level across the state. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center.

Participants in the meeting represented the Criminal Investigation Departments “Level B” the Social Support Centers and Human Rights Departments;  in addition to crime scene representatives, Operations,  command and control departments. The meeting complements the capacity-building and procedures unification program.

In 2013, in a statement to mark the start of the new school year, the Higher Committee for Child Protection at the Ministry of Interior urged cooperation in protecting children from dangers. This comes in response to the instructions of Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and as per the vision of HH to make the UAE a humanitarian hub and a role model in the region in all areas of child protection, by implementing the appropriate procedures to maintain the safety and security of our communities.

Moreover, in line with its keenness to interact with different society segments, the Ministry of Interior launched in September 2013 an initiative titled: “Identifying and responding to child abuse cases”. The campaign, organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs, was held at the Abu Dhabi Police Officers’ Club.

The initiative is a corporate model for strategic partnership; it targets teachers and 250 nursery supervisors across the country to teach them to how to identify and report violence and cases of mistreatment that nursery school-aged children may experience.

The Higher Committee for Child Protection’s initiatives and achievements are ongoing, in line with its commitment to further efforts and step up partnerships with governmental sectors and institutions and all parties involved in child protection.

Universal Children’s Day

Established in 1954 by Resolution no. 836 (IX), the UN recommended that «all countries should institute a Universal Children’s Day, to be observed as a day of understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children. It also “suggests to governments of each states to observe the Universal Children’s Day on the day and in the way that best suit them”. The date of November 20 marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989.

In 2000, the Millennium Development Goals outlined by world leaders range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015. Though the Goals are for all humankind, they are primarily about children. UNICEF states that “because six of the eight goals relate directly to children, meeting the last two will also make critical improvements in their lives.” (The Millennium Development Goals, UNICEF).

In the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child concluded on 24-26 and 30 September, and October 1, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, United Nations officials today urged Member States that have not done so, to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Child and its three Optional Protocols, stressing that this is vital to protect children from abuse and mistreatment worldwide.

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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317


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