Monday, November 4, 2013

Chicago-Based Performance Trust Investment Advisors, LLC (PTIA) Changes Name To Performance Trust Asset Management, LLC (PTAM)

CHICAGO - Saturday, November 2nd 2013 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Chicago-based Performance Trust Investment Advisors, LLC (PTIA) is changing its name to Performance Trust Asset Management, LLC (PTAM).

Firm president Doug Rothschild explains, “The new name better reflects our primary focus on being an asset manager for institutional investors.” PTAM launched its first hedge fund in 2008, capturing opportunity for investors in the then-severely distressed residential mortgage-backed securities market. Since then, the firm has grown rapidly in terms of both assets and products.

Today, PTAM is an institutional-class platform employing a team of industry veterans with a broad scope of fixed income and credit expertise, including the recent hiring of Ethan Youderian, well known in industry circles for his time as Senior Portfolio Manager and Managing Director at Citadel Investment Group. Youderian is now leading the development of PTAM’s newest product, a fixed income-focused hedge fund vehicle expected to launch in the first quarter of 2014.

Performance Trust Asset Management, LLC is a Chicago-based alternative investment firm specializing in the credit and fixed income markets. PTAM seeks attractive investment returns by operating in complex markets where inefficiencies create unique drivers of return. The firm currently manages approximately $1 billion (as of September 30, 2013) of institutional and individual assets across multiple pooled investment vehicles, mutual funds, and separately managed accounts.

The ticker symbols for PTAM’s two mutual fund products will remain unchanged.

For more information, go to


Performance Trust Asset Management, LLC

Rick Sterioti, 312-521-1406


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