Wednesday, November 6, 2013

25,000 Students and Parents Benefited from Drug Awareness Campaigns in 2012-2013

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Monday, November 4th 2013 [ME NewsWire]

More than 25,000 students and parents benefitted from the awareness-raising lectures organized by the Abu Dhabi Police on the risks and disadvantages of drug abuse during the past academic year (2012-2013). These lectures were meant to protect students and provide the targeted groups with awareness-raising guidance on the prevention methods against drugs and psychotropic substances. Additionally, the lectures aimed at acquainting community members with the police and its instrumental role within society.

Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Director General of Police Operations at Abu Dhabi Police said: “The police leadership strives relentlessly to provide excellent services to the public.” He pointed out that the lectures targeted a large number of schools across Abu Dhabi, in coordination with the Abu Dhabi Education Council. “They aimed to raise awareness among both male and female students, from first grade through high school, being the most vulnerable segment of society prone to be influenced by external factors,” noted Al Menhali.

“The lectures also targeted parents. For this end, discussion forums were organized in residential areas across Abu Dhabi, in concert with the Community Police Department,” indicated Al Menhali. The lectures were highly acclaimed by attendees who praised the diverse knowledge they acquired and the role of Abu Dhabi Police in strengthening the societal relationship, with a view to protect their children from the harmful effects of drugs.

Director General of Police Operations reiterated the Abu Dhabi Police’s commitment to spread the “Security Culture” program, which will soon target students from all universities, colleges and institutes. The program aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for university students and to raise their awareness of the side effects and dangers of drug abuse. Furthermore, Al Menhali shed light on the role of the Abu Dhabi Police in educating future generations, and promoting parents’ awareness of the proper ways to prevent their children from falling prey to drug abuse.

“The awareness lectures that will continue in the years to come are instrumental to encourage students and parents to adopt the modern protection and prevention methods against the risks of the drug scourge, in cooperation with the competent authorities, to create a safe, healthy and drug free society,” explained Al Menhali. The Department also endeavors to protect students from the harmful side effects of drug abuse, drug-trafficking, and other related problems.

Major General Al Menhali also tackled the procedures followed by the Abu Dhabi Police to raise awareness of the dangers associated with this substance. “The Abu Dhabi Police is part of an integrated entity comprising a number of government institutions entrusted with the task of combating drugs, providing rehabilitation, treatment and awareness,” he said; highlighting the significant role of the family to keep children from falling into substance abuse and addiction.

Director General of Police Operations lauded the strategic partnership with the Abu Dhabi Education Council to strengthen school-based drug abuse prevention programs and ways to curtail this scourge through awareness lectures targeting students.  Moreover, Al Menhali praised the awareness-raising and security role of the various police departments, notably the Community Police Department and the Abu Dhabi Police’s Traffic and Patrols Directorate.

Concluding, Major General Al Menhali reiterated the UAE's efforts to curtail this issue. “The UAE is a leading country in establishing and implementing awareness-raising activities and programs against drugs on all occasions. This comes in line with the firm belief of the higher leadership and its policy, which stipulates the need to protect the family and its members, as they constitute the main pillar of society,” he said.

For his part, Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammed Borshid, Head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), underscored the ongoing commitment of the department to pursue such important community-based activities, which strengthen the positive relationship between students and the police institution. He also lauded the awareness, guidance and education on many aspects of life associated with these activities.

Colonel Borshid said: “The discussion forums reinforced parents’ knowledge in the field of drug abuse prevention and awareness of the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.” He noted that the changes and challenges taking place in today’s world, as well as the boom in the field of knowledge and technology, the IT revolution, and the leisure time issue have prompted competent authorities such as Abu Dhabi Police, to provide awareness and education programs commensurate with these changes and developments.

He also reiterated the role of schools in protecting students against drug abuse. He underscored the need to follow-up students closely to recognize any changes in their behavior, and to the need to communicate continuously with their families and anti-drug entities to ensure timely intervention.  “Young people are the nucleus of the present and pillars of the future. They are the protectors of this nation and the power behind progress,” he continued.

Colonel Borshid shed light on the content of the lectures, which focused on psychological and social damages of drug abuse; stages of drug addiction; and the fine line between addiction and misuse and abuse of prescription drugs.  “The lectures examined the Anti-Narcotics Section’s role in curbing the traffic of drug substances , particularly on  the World Anti-Drugs Day,” added Borshid; emphasizing the pivotal role of society, family, school, civil society institutions and stakeholders in combating this issue.

He called upon members of the public to get more involved and take part in the efforts that aim to spread awareness of the dangers posed by narcotics and other psychotropic substances, and their harmful effect on the lives of future generations. Colonel Borshid also called for vigilance among families, urging them to help their children choose good companionship, and acquaint them with the useful means to fill their leisure time, and develop their ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) indicated that the police leadership has established strategies to combat drug abuse and penalized all forms of drug handling, namely; possession, purchase, import, export, and drug abuse; regardless of the intent or purpose behind such bad behaviors.

“The Abu Dhabi Police will pursue its awareness-raising efforts to educate community members throughout the year on the dangers of drug abuse, on all occasions,” stated Dr. Borshid. He also noted that the Anti-Narcotics Section of Abu Dhabi Police has stepped up its efforts to combat the scourge of drugs, due to their adverse effects on health, society, economy and on security.

Colonel Borshid urged the various segments of the society, particularly drug abusers’ families, to seek help and resort to specialized treatment centers; pointing out that drug abuse is a serious threat to communities, for the moral crimes and negative habits they ensue.

Concluding, he underscored the keenness of the Abu Dhabi Police to carry out its security and educational duties, being the watchful eye on homeland security. He also lauded the concerted efforts of community institutions in the fight to curtail the issue of drug, and provide the necessary information to help the competent authorities disseminate prevention means to protect community members, families in particular, against these deadly and harmful substances, and arrest all those who threaten the security and stability of society.

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Photo Caption:

Photo1: Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali

Photo2: Colonel Dr. Rashid Mohammed Borshid

Photo3: Raising the Awareness of Students about the harmful effects of Drugs

Photo4: Raising the Awareness of Students about the harmful effects of Drugs

Photo5: Raising the Awareness of Students about the harmful effects of Drugs

The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department

Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media

Chris Cron +971-(0)-50-987-1317



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