Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. Found New Form of Graphitization to be Root Cause of Catastrophic Failures in Boiler External Primary Superheater Piping
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Friday, September 30th 2011 [ME NewsWire]
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. released today an Industry Notice to the Energy Industry that a new and previously undocumented form of graphitization has been the root cause analysis of catastrophic failures in boiler external primary superheater (PSH) piping.
The Industry Notice supported by extensive metallurgical research reported a unique form of graphitization in which patches of graphite initiated within certain grain boundaries of a preferred orientation and these small regions of graphite then linked up to form zones of weakness along the line aligned grained boundaries. This results in a significant loss of material ductility and toughness, as compared to the expected properties for P1 material.
Laney Bisbee, CEO of Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. commented “P1 material is known to graphitize after prolonged exposures to elevated temperatures, however recent events which initiated the investigation and research into the piping ruptures showed the morphology of the graphitization in the piping bends was unique.” Bisbee continued, “It is Structural Integrity’s recommendation that owner/operators re-evaluate their condition assessment and asset management programs to ensure that the potential for this damage is addressed. Plant records should be reviewed to determine the presence of P1 steel piping and the operating conditions under which such material has been in service.”
Structural Integrity’s complete Industry Notice can be read at www.structint.com/graphitization-industry-notice . For more information, contact John Arnold at jarnold@structint.com or Clark McDonald at cmcdonald@structint.com or 877-474-7693.
About Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. is an internationally recognized leader in prevention and control of structural and mechanical failures. Headquartered in San Jose, California, Structural Integrity serves clients worldwide with a dozen branch offices throughout the United States and Canada, as well as affiliates in China, Japan, Korea, and Spain. Structural Integrity’s expertise in High Energy Piping, P91, and graphitization has helped Fossil Power Plants worldwide. For more information, please visit: www.structint.com/graphitization-industry-notice.
Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.
Vicki Douglass, 704-977-2332
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