317 applicants, 30 finalists: 10 of them will receive an award on Monday 14th November 2011 at an exceptional ceremony
PARIS - Friday, October 21st 2011 [ME NewsWire]
CARTES & IDentification 2011
--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Organized as part of the CARTES & IDentification trade show, the SESAMES Awards reward the best technological innovations in terms of digital security and smart technology since 1995. The SESAMES Awards are now the world reference for smart card manufacturers and their environment. As undisputed labels of innovation, they provide a promotional opportunity, as well as reputation and credibility to the winning participants. These awards are not only intended for CARTES & IDentification exhibitors, but also more broadly for all global players in the sector: manufacturers, users, integrators and developers.
"The SESAMES Awards have never stopped producing a “powerful effect”in the Smart Industry’s ability to explore new borders and reinvent itself through innovation. The 2011 edition proves it once more: there are twice more NFC references than in 2010, more attention given to the end user and identity issues. And finally a discreet innovation map where Turkey and China continue to assert themselves”, declares Yvon Avenel, Chief Editor - SmartCards Trends and SC e-News.
The race for the SESAMES 2011
The SESAMES Awards are selected by an international panel of 39 experts chosen for their commitment within organizations, which promote and develop smart technologies. They evaluate the candidates independently and impartially on an encrypted and secured platform.
On the eve of the CARTES & IDentification trade show, the 10 winners of the SESAMES Awards 2011 will receive their awards during a ceremony organized in the magnificent setting of the Automobile Club de France. The main champions still in the race for the award include Gemalto, Oberthur Technologies, NXP semiconductors, Turkcell, Infineon Technologies… They will attend this prestigious event, along with the small and medium-sized companies for whom the SESAMES represent a real springboard for recognition.
30 finalists divided into 10 separate categories:
- HARDWARE SESAME The finalists are Infineon Technologies with S-MFC1.x, FCOSTM goldless package; Dynamics Inc. with Chip & Choice™; Garanti Payment Systems with BonusluAvea.
- SOFTWARE SESAME The finalists are Oberthur Technologies with ID One Digital watermark, and NFC e-Wallet; NXP Semiconductors with Open source NFC Host Software stack for Android.
-IDENTIFICATION / ID CARDS SESAME The finalists are HID Global with Next Generation Secure Identity Ecosystem;Intercede with PIV Credentials on a BlackBerry phone; Smart Packaging Solutions with Embedded Contactless Module.
- IT SECURITY SESAME The finalists are Gemalto with One4all; Gemalto with Just4YourEyes; Nets Denmark A/S with PCI OEM Module.
-TRANSPORTATION SESAME The finalists are ASK with TicketTac; INSIDE Secure with VHBR; Mastercard with City Card on MasterCard M/Chip™ Advance.
- BANKING / RETAIL / LOYALTY SESAME The finalists are Simartis Telecom SRL with Bubble; Turkcell with Turkcell Mobile Wallet (Turkcell Cep-T Cüzdan); Watchdata System Co. Ltd. with SC-NFC;
- TRUSTED INTERNET / AUTHENTICATION SESAME The finalists HID Global with Next Generation Secure Identity Ecosystem; NXP Semiconductors with On-card gesture recognition; Trusted Designer with Certphone.
- MOBILITY SESAME The finalists are GoTrust Technology Inc with SWP microSD; NXP Semiconductors with PN65 Secure NFC module; Trusted Logic with Trusted User Interface for Android devices.
-E-TRANSACTIONS SESAME The finalists are BPC Banking Technologies with BeeSmart Card; Buyster with Buyster mobile payment; Verifone with PAYware Mobile Enterprise.
- MANUFACTURING & TESTS SESAME The finalists are Infineon Technologies with S-MFC1.x, FCOSTM goldless package; Oberthur Technologies with ID One Digital watermark; VFP with UVICARD®.
Be there on November 14th from 8pm at the Automobile Club de France to find out who the 10 winners of the SESAMES 2011 are (invitation only).
To get more information on the SESAMES, visit our web site www.cartes.comor blog www.blogcartes.com.
About CARTES & IDentification 2011 Leading international event on the market of the digital security and payment solutions, CARTES & IDentification will take place at Parc des Expositions - Paris-Nord Villepinte from the 15thto the 17th of November 2011. With 450 exhibitors and 140 conference sessions with international experts, the event welcomes 20,000 visitors to find out the latest trends and innovations of the sector (mobile payment, contactless, biometrics, M2M). Turkey is the honored country in 2011, a very dynamic market in the use of credit cards and contactless infrastructures. The SESAMES Awards reward every year, the 10 best innovations of the industry and are revealed the day before the show.
To access the latest news on CARTES & Identification:www.cartes.com/ www.blogcartes.com Follow us on Twitter @_cartes, and use the #cartes2011 hashtag Look at the videos of CARTES & Identification: http://www.youtube.com/user/CARTESetID
Karine Monsallier – Lucie Robet – Bérengère Deléage
Tel: +33(0)1 55 31 98 08 – Fax : +33(0)1 55 31 98 09
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