Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Systagenix Sponsors Virtual Conference with Wounds International Ahead of Arrival of World’s First Point of Care Wound Diagnostic Tool

Disclaimer - this press release is not for publication in the US, Canada or Brazil.

LONDON - Wednesday, May 4th 2011 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Systagenix, one of the headline sponsors of Wounds International’s Cape Town exhibition in February 2011, is now building up to the launch of its point of care (POC) diagnostic tool to aid wound assessment. The exhibition allowed those attending a glimpse into the powerful role that a wound care POC diagnostic tool will offer. The Systagenix POC diagnostic tool will be the world’s first in wound care. For those who didn’t attend, a virtual conference has gone live on the Wounds International websiteand this includes access to presentations and papers about the potential role of diagnostics in wound care.

Medical Director for Systagenix, Dr. Rob Snyder, chaired a session on ‘Wound assessment and diagnosis made easy’. The presentations highlighted how a diagnostic tool may help clinicians accelerate wound healing in patients by administering the right therapy at the right time and for the right length of time. Quoting from a Consensus Opinion1 in the virtual presentation: “The development of specific diagnostic tests for use in wounds has the potential to revolutionize their treatment…and help improve standards of wound care (while) aiding in the cost effective use of limited resources.”

Steve Atkinson, Systagenix CEO, said: "This was a world class conference with some of the leading experts in wound care. The launch of the virtual conference now gives wider access to the research presented and the hard work that Systagenix is putting into moving it forward into the 21st century.”

Systagenix provides the latest in wound care technologyand professional advice. For more information on the launch of the POC diagnostic tool visit visit the presentation on ‘Wound assessment and diagnosis made easy’at*

* The opinions expressed in these presentations are those of the authors and unless specifically stated are not those of Systagenix

- ENDS -

1World Union of Wound Healing Societies. Principles of best practice: A consensus document: MEP Ltd. London, 2008.


VSPR for Systagenix

Vicky Stoakes

+44 (0)7747 534 519

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