Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Monday, May 25th 2015 [ME NewsWire]
More than 100 researchers and 31 countries are taking part in the conference
Lt. General HH Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, met with heads of delegations that are taking part in the fourth annual INTERPA Conference (International Association of Police Academies), which commenced today at Intercontinental Abu Dhabi Hotel.
During the meeting, His Highness discussed a number of topics of mutual interest. Sheikh Saif also reiterated the importance of the conference in exchanging expertise and knowledge, and keeping pace with the latest developments in the fields of scientific and academic research, police education and training across security and police academies.
Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed hailed the efforts of INTERPA President and of the heads of delegations for participating in the conference with the aim of exchanging valuable information, experiences, and expertise to further improve police colleges and institutes, which represent the backbone of police and security work worldwide. His Highness also praised the role of women police and their valuable participation in the conference.
Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Board of the Police College, inaugurated the conference this morning. It is worth mentioning, that the conference is organized by the Ministry of Interior, represented by Police College, under the theme “Policing Training.”
The meeting and the official inauguration ceremony were attended by Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Chairman of the Board of the Police College; Major General Khalifa Hareb Al Khaili, Acting Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs; Major General Mohammed bin Al Awadhi Al Menhali, Assistant Undersecretary of Resources and Support Services; Major General Ahmed Nasser Al Raisi, Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior; Major General Abdul Aziz Maktoum Al Shareefi, Director General of Protective Security in the Ministry of Interior; Major General Omair Muhammad Ateeq Al Muhairi, Director General of Police Operations; general directors; heads of department; along with heads and members of the participating delegations and a large number of the MoI’s officers.
Delegations from 31 countries are attending the conference, in addition to more than 100 academic experts, researchers and specialists, as well as members of INTERPA. The conference is hosted for the first time in the UAE, with the aim of exchanging expertise, and reviewing the best international practices in the fields of scientific and academic research, police education and training across security and police academies.
In his opening speech, Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi welcomed the academic experts, researchers and specialists, and members of the International Association of Police Academies (INTERPA) taking part in the Conference. Moreover, Major General Al Nuaimi underlined the importance of the conference in exchanging expertise, and examining the best international standards in the field of scientific and academic research, police education and training across security and police academies.
He said: “Organizing this conference in the UAE reflects the vision, the ambition and the aspirations of the higher leadership to make the UAE one of the best countries in the world in terms of safety and security. It also reflects the world’s confidence in the prominent level attained by our country in organizing international scientific conferences. This conference demonstrates our keenness to be efficient partners and to cooperate and communicate with other friendly and sister countries, in order to discuss the latest and most important contemporary issues related to education, training and security. The main focus of such conferences is to develop educational curricula; improve the skills of faculty members; highlight the use of technology in the education and training process across police and security institutions; exchange experience in training and qualify staff members to properly use the state-of-the-art methods and technical equipment; ensure joint cooperation to exchange experiences and lessons to enhance police and security personnel’s performance in combating the various types and methods of crime.” Major General Al Nuaimi also highlighted the different challenges faced by police colleges and institutes; which require them to keep abreast of new developments to combat crime, by developing an adequate training system for the service of the police sector; to keep abreast of developments in the field of policing; and to standardize curricula across police colleges and institutes in world countries, in a bid to counter crime.
Major General Dr. Al Nuaimi stressed that the conference is the perfect opportunity to interact and reinforce relations with members of the International Association of Police Academies (INTERPA); examine the training and crime control mechanisms; avail of experts’ experience and expertise in the field of police training; and examine the most important future training methodologies for officers.
In conclusion, he expressed his hope that the conference will come up with the proper results and recommendations that serve security work and goals and meet the coveted aspirations. He also expressed his sincere thanks to all participating institutions, organizers and participants.
For his part, Yılmaz Çolak, President of INTERPA, gave a speech by which he expressed his sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to the UAE for hosting this conference. He also thanked His Highness Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, for lending full support to this conference, and for the warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to all members of INTERPA and participants in the conference.
Adding further, INTERPA President said that advances in technology and communication systems have created new forms of crime such as cyber crimes, international terrorism, and organized crime among others. “The emerging and growing forms of crime require competent, efficient and specialized training of police officers. This objective was the key driving force behind the fourth annual INTERPA Conference (International Association of Police Academies),” he continued.
In conclusion, he noted that the role of Police Academies should go beyond providing security training, to offer information on contemporary issues and appropriate solutions on the international level, which in turn, requires improvement through education.
Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi and the audience watched a documentary film showcasing the different training and educational programs provided to recruits and university students enrolled in the Police College.
After that, the conference sessions started. Yilmaz Colak, President of INTERPA (International Association of Police Academies) moderated the first session, which included and tackled three work papers. The first paper was presented by Osman Hussein Mohammed from the National Ribat University, Sudan and titled “Combating Terrorism and Organized Crime: A Case Study on Dinder Group.” The second paper tackled the “Role of Training in Combating Modern Crimes” and was presented by Colonel Hamdan Hassan Al Shehhi from the Police College in the UAE. Elvir Velic from the Agency for Education and Professional Training in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the third paper, which tackled “Training of Police Officers in Fighting Organized Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.
Colonel Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Shamesi from the Police College moderated the second session, which included four papers. The first paper was presented by Colonel Dr. Jassem Mohamed Rashid Al Antali from the Police College and entitled “Tackling Cyber Crimes through Strategic Training Approach”. The second paper was presented by Adam Bushra Haroun from the National Ribat University, Sudan; and tackled the “Police Management for Stadium Gatherings Sample”. Vladimir Bachyla, Chief of the Police Academy in Belarus’ Ministry of Interior, presented the third paper titled “Preserving Public Order during Sports Events of International Level”; and the fourth paper was presented by Saad Abdullah Al Khelawe, General Director of King Fahad Security College in Saudi Arabia, and tackled the topic of “Towards a Crowd Management Training For Police Forces during the Hajj Season”.
The fourth annual INTERPA Conference (International Association of Police Academies) will resume on Tuesday and will include two sessions that will tackle and discuss a number of work papers presented by participating experts and researchers.
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The Arabic-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the Arabic-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.
The UAE Minister of Interior's General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department
Abu Dhabi Police GHQ - Security Media
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E-mail: cron.media@hotmail.com
Permalink: http://me-newswire.net/news/14710/en
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