Tuesday, February 7, 2012

iFOREX Teaches New Traders how to Benefit from the Everyday Lifestyle

ROAD TOWN, Tortola - Tuesday, February 7th 2012 [ME NewsWire]

(BUSINESS WIRE)--iFOREX, Forex broker and currency exchange provider, has recently released their new PDF guide, Profit from the News, illustrating how to benefit from your daily routine for beginner traders. The simple guide is catered toward the individual, making it available in an array of languages including Arabic which can be found at http://www.iforex.ae

With a mass influx of new traders every year, iFOREX strives to keep them up-to-date with accessible trading guides and tutorials. Profit from the News is comprehensive short tutorial explaining different ways a trader can read the daily newspaper and take advantage ofthe movements in the financial markets. The PDF provides a basic foundation for beginner traders, highlighting various examples of how to leverage news events and rules that top traders follow in order to benefit from current events.

The senior marketing executive of iFOREX was quoted as saying, “We are delighted to addProfit from the News to our database of educational material for new traders. Not only does the easy-to-read guide introduce beginner traders to the Forex market, but it illustrates how to take advantage of your daily routine to maximize your trading potential. Learning how to analyze the daily news is something that can be very helpful for beginner traders.”

It is imperative for a beginner trader to learn about the Forex market before starting to trade. iFOREX recognizes this and continues to provide comprehensive learning guides to their new traders. For more information about the Forex market and for various trading tools, please visit http://traderbase.iforex.com

* Territorial restrictions may apply. iFOREX does not offer its services in the BVI

The English-language text of this announcement is the official, authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation only, and should be cross-referenced with the English-language text, which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.


iFOREX Group

Nathan Phillips

Public Relations


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