Integration Allows Users to Automatically Publish Completed Courses to their LinkedIn Profiles
SALT LAKE CITY - Wednesday, March 25th 2015 [ME NewsWire]
(BUSINESS WIRE) - Pluralsight, a global leader in online training for technology professionals, today announced the addition of Direct-to-Profile Certifications for LinkedIn, allowing learners to instantly publish completed courses to their professional profiles.
This new integrated feature allows Pluralsight users to easily publish their completed course certification to their LinkedIn profiles by simply clicking the new “Add to profile” button in their Pluralsight transcript.
“Pluralsight is excited to bring new skills measurement tools and credentialing methods into the mainstream,” said Aaron Skonnard, CEO of Pluralsight. “By integrating Pluralsight course certifications into our customers’ LinkedIn profiles, learners can now showcase relevant and up-to-date technical training, opening doors for new opportunities with potential employers.”
The Direct-to-Profile Certifications program is LinkedIn’s official channel for validating course and certification completion, lending increased credibility to user profiles. Pluralsight learners can now seamlessly update their LinkedIn profiles as they complete courses and assessments, allowing them to continually showcase their expanding knowledge by ensuring their profiles always feature their latest accomplishments.
Code School, an online learn-to-code destination recently acquired by Pluralsight, also offers LinkedIn badges for its courses, giving an even larger number of technology learners the opportunity to showcase their skills and knowledge to their online professional networks.
About Pluralsight
Founded in 2004, Pluralsight is the global leader in online learning for professional software developers, IT specialists and creative technologists. As the world’s largest curated professional development platform for professionals, the company offers instant access to nearly 4,000 courses authored by top experts. With customers in more than 150 countries, Pluralsight serves as a career catalyst, delivering hands-on, practical training for the most in-demand and understaffed jobs of today. For more information, visit
for Pluralsight
Megan Herrick, 801-831-4663
Katy Kenealy, 801-461-9788
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