AMSTERDAM - Thursday, August 25th 2011 [ME NewsWire]
Revenue at €928 million increases by 14%, with 21% growth in Secure Transactions
Profit from ongoing operations at €72 million increases by 8%, and by 35% in the main segments1
Secure Transactions and Security expand to generate more than half of this profit
(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Regulatory News:
All figures in this press release are unaudited. The income statement is presented on an adjusted basis (see page 2 “Basis of preparation of financial information”). These non-GAAP financial measures are not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for comparable IFRS measures and should be read only in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. The reconciliation with the IFRS income statement is presented in Appendix3. The balance sheet is prepared in accordance with IFRS, and the cash position variation schedule is derived from the IFRS cash flow statement.
Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 - GTO), the world leader in digital security today announces its results for the first half of 2011.
Key figures of the adjusted income statement
First Half 2011
First Half 2010
€ in millions
€ in millions
Year-on-year variation at historical exchange rates
Ongoing operations
Gross profit
Operating expenses
Profit from operations
Profit from other operations (JV deconsolidation gain)
Olivier Piou, Chief Executive Officer, commented: “Our four main segments generated 16% revenue growth and 35% profit expansion. These results evidence Gemalto’s strong progress along its strategic plan, which combines organic growth with bolt-on acquisitions. Secure Transactions stood out, with 21% revenue growth and double-digit profit margin. Security also recorded double-digit revenue growth and increased profit margin. We continued to invest in our new mobile offerings and as a result, we expect Mobile Communication to return to year-on-year profit expansion for the second semester. The sustainable and wider adoption of the EMV standard and dual interface contactless cards further adds to our confidence in delivering on the € 300 million profit from operations target we have set for ourselves in 2013.”
1The main segments include the Mobile Communication, Machine-to-Machine, Secure Transactions, and Security business segments representing close to 100% of the semester’s Company revenue; i.e. they exclude the Patents segment which accounted for € 2.6 million revenue in H1 2011 and €16 million revenue in H1 2010.
Basis of preparation of financial information
In this press release, the information for the first semester of both 2011 and 2010 is presented for ongoing operations and under the 2011 format of segment reporting unless otherwise specified.
Adjusted income statement and profit from operation (PFO) non-GAAP measure
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. To better assess its past and future performance, the Company also prepares an adjusted income statement where the key metric used to evaluate the business and take operating decisions over the period 2010 to 2013 is the profit from operations.
Profit from operations (PFO) is a non-GAAP measure defined as the IFRS operating result adjusted for the amortization and depreciation of intangibles resulting from acquisitions, for share-based compensation charges, and for restructuring and acquisition-related expenses. These items are further explained as follows:
Amortization and depreciation of intangibles resulting from acquisitions are defined as the amortization and depreciation expenses related to the intangibles recognized as part of the allocation of the excess purchase consideration over the share of net assets acquired.
Share-based compensation charges are defined as (i) the discount granted to employees acquiring Gemalto shares under Gemalto Employee Stock Purchase plans; and (ii) the amortization of the fair value of stock options and restricted share units granted by the Board of Directors to employees, and the related costs.
Restructuring and acquisitions-related expenses are defined as (i) restructuring expenses which are the costs incurred in connection with a restructuring as defined in accordance with the provisions of IAS 37 (e.g. sale or termination of a business, closure of a plant,…), and consequent costs; (ii) reorganization expenses defined as the costs incurred in connection with headcount reductions, consolidation of manufacturing and offices sites, as well as the rationalization and harmonization of the product and service portfolio, and the integration of IT systems, consequent to a business combination; and (iii) transaction costs (such as fees paid as part of the acquisition process) which were previously capitalized as part of the cost of an acquisition under previous IFRS versions.
These non-GAAP financial measures are not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for comparable IFRS measures and should be read only in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.
In the adjusted income statement, Operating Expenses are defined as the sum of Research and Engineering, Sales and Marketing and General and Administrative expenses, and Other income (expense) net.
EBITDA is defined as PFO plus depreciation and amortization expenses, excluding the above amortization and depreciation of intangibles resulting from acquisitions.
The Appendix 3 bridges the Adjusted income statement to the IFRS income statement.
Ongoing operations
For a better understanding of the current and future year-on-year evolution of the business, the Company also provides an adjusted income statement for “Ongoing operations” for both 2011 and 2010 reporting periods.
Ongoing operations: The adjusted income statement for “Ongoing operations” not only excludes, as per the IFRS income statement, the contribution from discontinued operation to the income statement, but also the contribution from assets classified as held for sale.
Assets held for sale: The assets of one of the Company joint ventures (the “JV”) active in China in Secure Transactions and Security, and for which shareholding restructuring agreement has been signed with the partner.
Discontinued operation: The disposal of the Company business in point of sale (“POS”) terminals to Verifone was effective on December 31, 2010. As per IFRS, the contribution of this activity to the IFRS income statement is reclassified for 2010 reporting periods and its net contribution is presented on the line item “Profit (loss) from discontinued operation (net of income tax)”. Consequently, in the adjusted income statement, the contribution of POS and the impact of the transaction are not included in the profit from operations.
The Appendix 1 bridges the adjusted income statement, with the discontinued operation, assets held for sales and adjusted income statement for ongoing operations.
Basis of presentation of the segment information starting 2011
Starting January 1, 2011, the segment information accounts for the following changes:
the patent licensing activity, previously reported as part of the segment Security, is reported separately, in a new segment “Patents”.
the public telephony activity, which is reaching end of life as it is now almost fully substituted by mobile telephony, previously reported in the segment Others, is included in the segment Mobile Communication.
In this press release the financial information for 2010 is presented pro-forma on the above basis of presentation.
The Appendix 8 bridges the adjusted income statement for ongoing operations under the 2011 and 2010 basis of segment information.
Historical exchange rates and constant currency figures
Figures in this press release are at historical exchange rates, except where otherwise noted. The Company sells its products and services in a very large number of countries and is commonly remunerated in other currencies than the Euro. Fluctuations in these other currencies exchange rates against the Euro have a translation impact on the reported Euro value of Group revenues. Comparisons at constant exchange rates aim at eliminating the effect of currencies translation movements on the analysis of the Group revenue by translating prior year revenues at the same average exchange rate as applied in the current year.
IFRS results
The IFRS consolidated income statement for the first semester 2011 shows an operating result of € 63 million for the Company and a net profit for the period of € 44 million. These were respectively € 46 million and € 45 million for the first semester 2010, and respectively € 46 million and € 45 million when represented to take into account the operation discontinued in 2010.
Basic earnings per share and Diluted earnings per share were essentially stable year on year at € 0.54 and € 0.52 for the reported period. These were respectively € 0.54 and € 0.53 in the first semester of 2010.
The Company provides in Appendix 3 the reconciliation between the IFRS and adjusted income statements. In the first semester 2011, restructuring and acquisition-related expenses amounted to € 4 million (€ 2 million in the first half 2010), equity-based compensation charges were € 16 million (€ 9 million in H1 2010); and amortization and depreciation of intangibles resulting from acquisitions were € 10 million (€ 10 million in H1 2010).
To view the full report please click here.
Investor Relations
Gabriel Rangoni
+33(0) 6 1426 6956
Corporate Communication
Isabelle Marand
+33(0) 6 1489 1817
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